Friday, February 5, 2010

White Spots On Tongue Colloidal Silver What Are White Spots On The Tongue From?

What are white spots on the tongue from? - white spots on tongue colloidal silver

Has anyone out there know what the white spots on the tongue? Published yesterday ..


вïττεn said...

Did you burn your tongue or eat something like salt and vinegar chips? Finally, you can burn the tongue, either by heat or salt. These can be your taste buds on white and sting a little, but do not worry - fix them on their own. One day you feel relief.

вïττεn said...

Did you burn your tongue or eat something like salt and vinegar chips? Finally, you can burn the tongue, either by heat or salt. These can be your taste buds on white and sting a little, but do not worry - fix them on their own. One day you feel relief.

Nay said...

It appears that you have thrush. Do you have to take antibiotics? If so, eat, yogurt, to kill it, the throttle, and go to the doctor and medication given. Agreement is not a big choke is easily cured. See the link below.

Softball... said...

yes, the taste buds are dead, wounded, wounds kanker kindalike ur tongue, but it will

JJ said...

they are probably cold sores .... it is wrong?

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